
🐉 Happy Lunar New Year 📣 and We’re Hiring–Pass It On!

Happy Lunar New Year! Bring on The Powerful & Heart Centered Dragon Spirit

How is 2024 going for you? Have you made time for rest and reflection or are you just trying to get through? Do you already wish you had a do-over for your New Year’s fresh start and resolutions? If so, you’re in luck. Not only is every moment a chance for a new beginning, February 10 is the start of the Lunar New Year. Because it starts with the second new moon after Winter Solstice, it begins on a different date every year between January 21 and February 20.

And the Lunar New Year kicks off the 15 day celebration of the new year called Spring Festival. You can think of Spring Festival as Christmas, New Years, and Spring Cleaning all rolled into one. It’s a time of celebration, visiting family and friends, gift giving, and preparing for the next year with personal reflection and letting go.

It’s not part of the Lunar New Year traditions to make resolutions, but Chinese astrology encourages reflection. Chinese astrology has a lot of symbolism and is used to explore your inner nature and unconscious instincts. It’s often used to help reflect on how to navigate your inner life and relationships.

Year of the Wood Dragon

The Chinese zodiac has 12 years in its cycle, each one represented by an animal, which interacts with the cycle of the 5 elements. 2024 is the Year of the Wood Dragon, the fifth animal in the cycle

Astrologers say that people born in the Year of the Dragon are powerful, intelligent, charismatic, and have good fortune. Dragons are known for their leadership but their real power doesn’t come from control, instead it comes from having heart and the ability to empathize with everyone.  The mystical dragon is a synthesis of a variety of animals with a strong snakelike body with wings, scales, horns, and claws.  Being part everything, they have the ability to bring about cohesion and societal organization.  Dragons see the big picture of interconnectedness and the vastness of our experience that helps broaden our view.

In Chinse astrology, Wood Dragon energy is said to start out enthusiastic and impulsive, but as it matures it becomes more grounded and stable while still fueled by passion.  Last year it may have felt like you got bunny kicked a few too many times as Rabbit energy is a paradox of quick forward momentum and cautiously avoiding risk by running back to safety in your burrow.  In order to ride the dragon energy smoothly it’s important to slow down and find a balance between bold action and allowing circumstances to unfold naturally.  Without stability Dragon energy can get out of balance and turn into selfish fantasy and ruthlessness.  Dragons get back in balance with self-reflection and remembering to connect with how things can work together.  Patience and remembering to take action that is dedicated to the benefit of others allows for big energy and dynamic change and innovation that leads us towards the future we dream of.

Commit to Creating the Experience You Want to Have
Those that celebrate Lunar New Year and the Spring Festival do not traditionally make New Year’s Resolutions, however they do celebrate the transition from winter to spring. It is a good time to reflect and plant the “new idea seeds” that will sprout in spring. You can start by asking yourself: How do I make time and space to bring out my best sense of reflection? What is the new direction and experience I want to have?

If you’re having trouble, maybe it’s time to take a lesson from the Dragon. If you want to avoid the out of balance impulsive dragon energy that can charge ahead blindly and cause chaos, make sure to pause and reflect on your deepest values and heart’s desire.  Dragons know when to be patient, relax and let life-force energy lead, because the most powerful actions are those which arise naturally.

Ask yourself how can I combine both power and gentleness, strength and flexibility, to encourage true alchemy and transformation that is that’s dedicated to the benefit of others.  What brings about a sense of connection to the universe?  What action can I take to for innovation and new solutions that support coherence and move us forward in a unified direction?

Get Some Support
If your intentions in 2024 include improving your health and well-being so you can support your heart’s desires, get in touch to schedule an appointment for acupuncture and herbal medicine that supports pain relief, stress reduction, immune boosting, or finally tackling that health issue that’s holding you back. You can book online or reach out by phone or email.

We’re Hiring–Pass It On!

Change is in the air and I’d love your help. We’re hiring a Front Desk Receptionist (28-32 hrs/wk) and an Administrative Assistant (14-16 hrs/wk) to join our cheerful and serene Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine clinic and help us grow.

Please share our job postings with the people you think would enjoy making a difference in people’s lives with our kind of enthusiasm, care, and humor.

Victoria will be around for a bit longer to help with training, but the faster we find the right people the more time we’ll have for training.  She’s going to be pursuing some other opportunities related to long term career goals.  It’s the start of the Dragon energy and changes that support following your hearts desires are best for all.  So now we just need your help to connect with the people you know who would enjoy the Thrive vibe and mission to make the world a better place one acupuncture treatment at a time.

All the details and how to apply are inside the job postings:

Front Desk Receptionist:*aoe2a8*_gcl_au*NjA3OTY5MjEzLjE3MDAxNjU5Mjk.

Administrative Assistant:*aoe2a8*_gcl_au*NjA3OTY5MjEzLjE3MDAxNjU5Mjk.

What We’re Treating In The Clinic

The Gallbladder 
It’s one of the things I’m super passionate about and so you might think I’m seeing lots of people with gallbladder problems because I’m human and I see what I’ve been thinking about. Yup when I started dating my husband I had a mini cooper and after driving my car he started noticing mini coopers everywhere. It became a joke that if we pointed out every one we saw we could not finish a sentence.  But the week that 3 people came in and talked about how they think their gallbladder was the root of their problem I knew it wasn’t just my bias, I am seeing a lot of people who need gallbladder support.

I’ve helped so many people reduce gallbladder related symptoms, avoid gallbladder surgery, and recover digestive function if they had their gallbladder out and their body is struggling.  Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine often give immediate relief.  And there’s lots of things you can do with diet to support the gallbladder staying stable. I can help you find the most effective things for you to help you feel better and stay feeling like your best self.

If you want support treating your gallbladder or getting back in balance now that you have had your gallbladder removed: you can make an appointment through our online booking site or get in touch.


Immune Support

It’s still cold and flu season so it’s still a great time to stock up so you can be prepared with herbs and supplements in case you or those around you get sick.
“Christina, I just have to tell you that your magic herbs are the real deal!  I started to get sick, and remembered I had squirreled away herbs to take if and when that ever started to happen.  I rarely get sick, so it had been awhile.  So I went to the box, got them out, took them as recommended and WOW, the next day I was no longer ill!  I have no idea what’s in those but they really worked for me.  Thanks for the recommendation that I should always have them available –  and for knowing about them.  You are the best!”

Check out our updated recommendations we’ve been sharing for the past 2+ years called “The Golden Window For Treating Viruses” and let us know if you want help creating a plan that will work for you:

Gong Xi Fa Cai! (Happy New Year)!
Christina and Team Thrive


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New Year 🌱Seed Tending & ❤️‍🔥Nourishing Experiment + Schedule Updates

Happy New Year!

I’m not a big new year’s resolution kind of person—at least not the kind of resolutions that call for making dramatic changes to strive to be better in ALL-THE-WAYS.  Every moment is an opportunity for fresh thinking and insights, and that’s where real change comes from, not the turning of a calendar. 

This year at the start of our winter break I made a fun “resolution” to light the candles in our fireplace more often because I was enjoying resting and nesting.  My husband happily bought us more tealights in support, but jokingly reminds me that the fireplace candles can’t be this year’s resolution since I technically made it last year, humorously highlighting the absurdity of the pressure and timing of New Year’s resolutions.

So instead, I enjoy the new year greetings as a reminder that a fresh start is available at any moment.  And I embrace the kind of reflection that happens naturally around the start of the year. 

If you picture living in harmony with the seasons, here in the northern hemisphere the season of the new year is midwinter which feels more like the time for rest, stillness, presence, and inward reflection, not making grand resolutions, future planning, or major goal setting. Everything is organically a little more contracted so it’s not time to go crazy with exploding out into the world.  It’s ok to be cozy, take some time to reflect, and say no to the requests that don’t feel nourishing to you.

Seed Tending and Nourishing Deep Resources

A Question To Help You Design Your Own Experiment For Aligning With The Rhythm Of Winter

In Chinese Medicine winter is the time for going within to gather and nourish deep resources to restore your body and spirit after a year’s worth of activity.  It’s also seed tending season which means you tend to the seeds of what you want to grow in the coming year.  It’s time to take stock, see what needs to be put to rest, what is worth growing, and what resources you can replenish to support the seeds of your heart’s desires.

To get aligned with the winter rhythm, I invite you to ask yourself:  “What is one seed I can tend to right now to support feeling deeply resourced for my heart’s desires?”

It helps to give the question some time to percolate.  If you aren’t quite clear on your heart’s desire, it helps to picture how you want to feel over the next year.   Do you want to feel ease, fun, energetic, connected, creative, peaceful, accomplished?  What’s one seed you can tend to now to support that feeling growing throughout the year?

Design your own experiment: Commit to tending to that seed for a week to see how you feel.  Tending to a seed is less like following a rule and more like conducting an experiment.  Weed this out, add some fertilizer, move the pot to someplace sunnier and see how it goes.  If you feel more nourished and resourced, you can keep tending that seed and see what sprouts.

I asked myself this question last weekend and I waited to hear what percolated up.   The answer was: Go to sleep without delay and wake up without delay.  I am naturally a night owl and so even when I start to feel tired I can keep going to the point where I’m ignoring what my body needs.  And I’m not a morning person so I can overindulge in a slow start to the day to the point where it is not enjoyable because I end up rushing.  I’m enjoying tending to this tiny seed and curious to see how it effects me now and as the rhythm of the season changes.

By honoring the energy of the season, things start to align and flow better.  While not outwardly showy, seed tending and nourishing deep resources is important work.  It sets the stage for the year to come.  I’d love to know what percolates up for you about one seed you can tend to right now to help you feel more resourced.

If you’re feeling depleted after a momentous year or an extra action holiday season and you’d like some help nourishing your deep resources or quieting your mind so you can hear what seeds need to be tended, get in touch for an acupuncture tune up series and some Chinese herbs.  As we work together, we will come up with the best ways you can live in harmony with the season to support your health and heart’s desires.

Schedule Updates

We made some overall minor updates to our patient treatment schedule because not only do we deliver Chinese Medicine, we practice it too.  The schedule had morphed over time and wasn’t working for us.  And so I followed the advice I would have given you and took a fresh look to reimagine a schedule that would feel nourishing to me, the admin staff, and the patients.  Our vision for maximizing innate health and wellbeing in our community includes all of us.

Without going into the details of how our online booking system works, the main changes that patients may notice is that 1) our middle of the day break is different and 2) both existing and new patients can make appointments online. The end result should be that it’s easier for patients to get appointments and we will all feel more nourished.

If you have a favorite appointment time it’s never a bad idea to book yourself out through our Online Booking SystemIt’s a bit of a mishmash of old and new through January since we already had patients on the schedule. The new schedule is clear starting February 1.

We’re excited about the change and think it will serve patients and us better.  If you have any questions let us know.

What We’re Treating In The Clinic

Perimenopause & Menopause
When patients have a lot of imbalances at the same time I always ask them what they think is going on.  They are the ones living in their body and I give their insight a lot of credit.  Lately so many women have been saying they think all these seemingly “unrelated things” are due to hormonal changes.  Other times it’s hard to see it yourself and I point out that the reason it feels like things are falling apart in all departments is because of hormonal changes.

The good news is that there is all natural help for things like:

  • hot flashes
  • fatigue
  • irritability (this is not a character flaw, it’s a symptom)
  • insomnia
  • fatigue
  • brain fog
  • irregular menstrual cycles
  • low libido
  • night sweats
  • joint pain

I love that Chinese Medicine thinks that menopause doesn’t have to be difficult.  In fact it views perimenopause and menopause as the shift towards wisdom. They call it the second spring.  I’ll take that!

We work with patients wherever they are on their hormonal journey–whether you decide to do an integrative approach with HRT, or you want to take an all-natural route. We help bring your body into balance so the road through perimenopause and menopause is more smooth sailing and less of a rollercoaster.  The most common thing patients say is “I feel like myself again!”

If you want support treating Perimenopause & Menopause: you can make an appointment through our online booking site or get in touch.


Immune Support

It’s still cold and flu season so it’s still a great time to stock up so you can be prepared with herbs and supplements in case you or those around you get sick.
“Christina, I just have to tell you that your magic herbs are the real deal!  I started to get sick, and remembered I had squirreled away herbs to take if and when that ever started to happen.  I rarely get sick, so it had been awhile.  So I went to the box, got them out, took them as recommended and WOW, the next day I was no longer ill!  I have no idea what’s in those but they really worked for me.  Thanks for the recommendation that I should always have them available –  and for knowing about them.  You are the best!”

Check out our updated recommendations we’ve been sharing for the past 2+ years called “The Golden Window For Treating Viruses” and let us know if you want help creating a plan that will work for you:


Here’s to seed tending and nourishing our deep resources,
Christina and Team Thrive

Posted in acupuncture, Body Experiment, Chinese herbs and supplements, Immune Boosting / Immunity, Office Happenings | Comments Off on New Year 🌱Seed Tending & ❤️‍🔥Nourishing Experiment + Schedule Updates

Breath As A Micro-Mindfulness Reset

I’m back with a little experiment to help you reset your nervous system during the busyness of the end of year celebrations and transitions.  Don’t worry, it’s a micro-mindfullness experiment because I know you don’t have time for another thing to do, but I also know how important it is to reset your nervous system, especially now.

Plus what we’re treating in the clinic–curious minds want to know.

And some reminders that we’re taking a break in 10 days, so now is the time to make an appointment for now and when we’re back in January, stock up on herbs, and grab a healthy gift for a loved one.

Breath As A Micro-Mindfulness Reset
AKA–A Nervous System Reset For People Who Don’t Have Time To Reset Their Nervous System

In the last newsletter I invited you to carve out some time among all the busyness to quiet your mind in your favorite way and make room for recharging and aligning with the rhythm of the season.  Many of you told me that your favorite way to quiet your mind is to come get an acupuncture treatment.  And while I agree that acupuncture is the fastest way I know to dramatically regulate the nervous system, I also know that we all benefit from being able to regulate ourselves.  And I know that so many people say they don’t have time for another thing right now, no matter how good it is for them.  So I invite you to experiment with breath as a micro-mindfullness reset.

The Experiment:

Try out recalibrating your nervous system by connecting to breath any time you could use a reset.  All you have to do is notice your breath, and consciously breath, knowing that breath is dynamic and breath is restful.  You’re already breathing so you don’t need to stop what you’re doing, take a time out, or do something else–just notice your breath and breath a little deeper into your abdomen.  You can do it while making breakfast, while driving, while in a meeting, while on the phone, while parenting, while in conflict, as you get out of the car and get home for the night, you get the picture.  It’s available to you 100% of the time and you can return to it again and again.  

Just the simple act of breathing a little deeper resets your nervous system from fight or flight to rest and digest.  And from that place we create a little more space in our bodies and our minds to listen for wisdom and hear what to do next.  That’s right, we’re still productive from a quiet mind and calm nerves, we just don’t waste time and energy on the things that aren’t really up for us.  We’ll know it’s time to rest, or be moved into action, and enjoy being present with either.

As if the power of breath to regulate your nervous system wasn’t good enough, our connection to breath as a dynamic reset ripples out.  Those around you will will feel your nerves calming down, and their nervous system will mirror yours.  It’s like we’re metronomes in the music shop and our vibrations harmonize until we’re on the same tempo.  If you’re skeptical that the simple act of deepening your breath will effect others, try it around your pets.

Try it out for the next week:

Set a little reminder to help you, as you move through your busy life, to notice your breath without judgement, breath a little deeper into your lower abdomen, and return to it again and again.
  Put a post it on your computer, change your phone background, put your watch on the other wrist.  Even after just a week you will have trained your nervous system to access the rest and digest calming mode on a regular basis.  Start by doing it for yourself and see what you notice from this micro-mindfullness reset in motion.  Then see if you notice it rippling out to those around you and setting a smoother tempo.  From the place of dynamic rest, the field of possibilities opens up for all of us.

I can’t wait to hear how your experiment with breath as a micro-mindfulness reset goes!

What We’re Treating in the Clinic

Brain fog.  There’s so many different reasons people can’t think clearly, feel like they’re living in a daze, don’t motivate, or just don’t feel like themselves.  We can help clear up brain fog whether it’s from post-viral syndrome, hormonal imbalance, headaches, sleep imbalance, sinus congestion, a head injury, the distraction of pain, forgetfulness, a busy mind, or stress and overwhelm.

It’s really common that when patients get up from their acupuncture nap they mention they feel clear headed, grounded, present, or more like themselves again.  And people have been saying that even more often recently.  Acupuncture is great at regulating the nervous system, quieting the mind, and restoring function to the brain.  Yes it’s hard to access the brain because the skull and the blood brain barrier are protecting it, but acupuncture is a truly effective, non-invasive way to treat the brain.  Studies have shown that as soon as points are activated, the brain is activated and regulated.  I call it the upward spiral.  Patients feel more grounded, calm, and clear, then from that place it’s easier to do the things they know they need to do to feel better.

Chinese Herbal Medicine is also great for clearing up brain fog.  I’ve treated patients with just herbs and they’ve said their memory, word recall, and clarity improved.   

If you want support treating brain fog, no matter the cause, and even if you don’t know why it’s happening:

  • Established patientscan make an appointment at our online booking siteor get in touch.
  • New patientsneed to call or email us to set up their first appointment because there is just too much information we need to share with you.


End of Year Schedule

We Can’t believe that we only have 10 days before we take our end of the year break!

🌟🎄🥂 We’ll be here thought Friday, Dec 22 then we’re taking the last week of December and few days in January off to rest, reflect, and recharge.  We have appointments in the new year starting Thursday, January 4.

Book Your Appointments📆 We get busy before and after the break, so get yourself on the schedule now with our Online Booking System.  If you can’t find an appointment online–call, email, or put yourself on the waitlist and we’ll get you scheduled.  The online system only shows openings at least 24 hours in advance and we can book some secret appointments that are not visible, so when in doubt, give us a call and we’ll get you scheduled. 

Stock Up on Herbs🌿 Stock up on herbs now to carry you through the new year.  Let’s make a plan to make sure you have:

  1. your custom formula
  2. digestion support
  3. immunity support and/or supplies for treating a virus if you or your loved ones catch one

Herbal Pills To Support Digestion😋🌿💊  Don’t forget to stock up on simple Chinese herbal pills to get your digestion back in balance through all the end of year celebrations.

We have 2 options of our favorites: Curing Pills or Ease Digestion Pills. They’re both so helpful for any kind of digestive upset that every acupuncturist and herbalist has one of these ready in their medicine cabinet, first aid kit, purse, and in the car. I always have extra around the holidays–yes I’m the one that brings the digestion pills and sets them out with the drinks, at the end of the buffet, or even just on the dining table–and my friends and family have learned to do the same.

👉🔗 You can read all the details that we shared in our newsletter here.

Immune Support

Stock up now so you can be prepared with herbs and supplements in case you or those around you get sick.
“Christina, I just have to tell you that your magic herbs are the real deal!  I started to get sick, and remembered I had squirreled away herbs to take if and when that ever started to happen.  I rarely get sick, so it had been awhile.  So I went to the box, got them out, took them as recommended and WOW, the next day I was no longer ill!  I have no idea what’s in those but they really worked for me.  Thanks for the recommendation that I should always have them available –  and for knowing about them.  You are the best!”


Check out our updated recommendations we’ve been sharing for the past 2+ years called “The Golden Window For Treating Viruses” and let us know if you want help creating a plan that will work for you:

Still Have Some Shopping On Your To Do List?💝☯️ Check out our healthy holiday gift guide and see if there is anything you want to pick up for your loved ones (or yourself) and give yourself the gift of sanity while supporting a small business.

Here’s to enjoying breath and letting our calm vibes reset the tempo for the end of the year transition,
Christina and Team Thrive

P.S. Please share this with anyone you think could benefit from this experiment and info.


Posted in acupuncture, Body Experiment, Chinese herbs and supplements, Mental Health, Mind Experiment, Office Happenings | Comments Off on Breath As A Micro-Mindfulness Reset

Healthy Holiday Gift Guide & End of Year Schedule

The Rhythm of the Season

We hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday and found some ways to celebrate and recharge that fed your soul.  We’re happy to be back in the clinic for the next 3.5 weeks, treating all the smart patients who come in to keep healthy and sane for the holidays and end of year transition.

Our Healthy Holiday Gift Guide was so popular last year that we wanted to get it out earlier this year, with a few updates.  Take a look and see if you find anything you want to gift to loved ones or yourself.

And we want to let you know what we’re treating in the clinic lately (curious minds want to know) and our end of year schedule–so you can plan when you’re gonna come in and be one of those smart healthy, grounded patients.

I invite you to make some time to take care of yourself, whether it’s in our clinic or by simply carving out some time to quiet your mind in your favorite way.  It’s the rhythm of the season–quiet, slow, dark, reflection, hibernation–and it’s important make some time for recharging in between the busyness so that you have the energy and inspiration for the fresh start of the new year.

Healthy Holiday Gift Guide

Give The Gift of Health to Loved Ones & The Gift of Sanity to Yourself
Don’t stress about gift giving!  Gifts are supposed to be about appreciation, celebration, and fun after all.  We’re here through Friday, December 22 so you can pick up a gift of health for your loved ones plus give yourself the gift of sanity, all while supporting a small business ❣️

You might ask: “A gift of health, how is that fun?!” 

We think it’s fun being healthy, having less pain, and feeling more calm so we can be present and enjoy our lives.  And it’s fun sharing the lesser known natural remedies that actually work!

Here’s 7 healthy gifts that are favorites among patients and staff:

1.  🎁 Gift Certificates:  Give the gift of stress relief and a nap.  Or pain relief, digestion support, hormone balancing, immune support… ok you get the picture.  We’re a holistic clinic that treats the whole body so we treat all kinds of acute and chronic health issues.  A lot of times people don’t know Acupuncture or Chinese Herbal Medicine are options.  We’d love to show them how it can help them.  We’ve been seeing more and more patients who come in just for our custom herbal medicine, so even if your loved one doesn’t want to try acupuncture, we can help them.  Let us know what you want to cover with your gift certificate, and we’ll help you choose an amount.

2.  🦴 Evil Bone Water Liniment:  A super-premium liniment that’s good to put on anything that is painful and needs to heal: injuries, joint pain, muscle pain, broken bones, sprains, cuts, insect bites.  We got some fun 2 oz frosted black bottles that make great gifts.  They made them just for the end of the year holidays so they are only available while supplies last, but you can refill them from the regular 4 oz bottles–because we know you’re gonna love it.  PS – there are no bones in the formula.  The Chinese name translates as Rectify Evil Bones Water (aka Heal Your Broken Bones), but the acupuncturist/herbalist making it in Florida has a good sense of humor.

3. 🌿 Rapid Pain Relief Balm: High quality herbs and oils in natural skin-nourishing butters to quickly treat muscle pain, headaches, injuries, bruises, post-workout pain, menstrual pain, and more.  We love that this balm doesn’t have any menthol or mint, which is unusual for a fast-acting topical treatment for pain relief.  Plus the owner has sensitive skin, and makes it so clean you could practically eat it.  We have regular and sample sized jars for sale.

4. 🦶 Herbal Medicinal Foot Soaks: Wild-crafted and small-farm cultivated herbs make up these effective and relaxing foot soaks.  They help with inflammatory pain, promote circulation, support the immune system & metabolism, and are super calming to the nervous system.  It may be surprising to hear that medicinal foot soaks treat the whole body because there are thousands of capillaries in the feet which serve as highways to the rest of the body.

5. 🧴 Emily’s Skin Soothers: Natural and effective skin care powered by herbs to treat dry skin, chapped and cracked hands and feet, burns, eczema, psoriasis, and any other irritated, red, rough or flaking skin.  The original formula was created by an acupuncturist/herbalist for his baby who had eczema, so the whole line is free from anything synthetic and great for sensitive skin.  This is the balm that got us through the extreme amounts of hand washing at the start of the pandemic and still keeps our hands smooth.  Let us know what skin condition you want to treat and we can help you choose the best formula.  We have regular and sample size jars for sale.

6. 🐝 B. Immune Throat Spray: Soothe and treat the throat with this tasty spray that’s antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, and immunomodulatory.  This is the most fun way to support your immune system!  Great for people who travel, give talks, sing, or otherwise find their throat dry and sensitive, as well as those who want to prevent and treat colds, flus, and sore throats.

7. 📚 Do You Want To Know A Secret Book:  A little book of resilience and clarity, whatever your age.  Everyone who picks up this little children’s book with a big message gets a smile on their face.  Some even get tears of joy.  People don’t tend to spend much time in the waiting room here, but when they do and they pick up this book, they often buy a copy right away.  Plus, we have it shipped here directly from the author in England, so it’s a truly unique gift.

You can pick any of these up at your next appointment.  If you don’t have a scheduled appointment, please reach out by phone or email so we can answer any questions, get it ready for you, and make sure we’re not at lunch or otherwise busy in our small business when you swing by.

What We’re Treating in the Clinic

In addition to stress from the busyness that ramps up this time of year, so many patients have been coming in with joint and muscle pain, especially in the low back, hips, and shoulders.  It could be the colder weather, a change in exercise patterns, the increase in sugar and treats, all the stress and busyness, or just one of those coincidental patterns we see in the clinic.

The good news is that Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine are great at treating pain and getting you back to feeling mobile.  I practice a style of acupuncture that is renowned for pain relief.  Most patients report a reduction in pain as soon as a few points go in.  So many patients in the past few weeks have told us they feel better as they are walking out the door with smiles on their face.  We also have several truly effective topical herbal liniments, balms, creams, and patches.  Or we can mix you up a custom herbal formula to treat pain and help prevent it from flaring up again.

If you want support treating aches and pains or want some preventative care:

  • Established patients can make an appointment at our online booking site or get in touch.
  • New patients need to call or email us to set up their first appointment because there is just too much information we need to share with you.


End of Year Schedule

🌟🎄🥂 We’ll be here through Friday, Dec 22 then we’re taking the last week of December and few days in January off to rest, reflect, and recharge.  We have appointments in the new year starting Thursday, January 4.

Book Your Appointments

📆 We Can’t believe that we only have 3.5 weeks in the clinic before we take our end of the year break!  We get busy before and after the break, so now is a good time to get yourself on the schedule with our Online Booking System.  If you can’t find an appointment online–call, email, or put yourself on the waitlist and we’ll get you scheduled.  The online system only shows openings at least 24 hours in advance and we can book some secret appointments that are not visible, so when in doubt, give us a call and we’ll get you scheduled. 

Stock Up on Herbs

🌿 Now is also a good time to start planning to stock up on herbs to carry you through the new year.  Let’s make a plan to make sure you have:

  1. Your custom formula
  2. Digestion support
  3. Immunity support and/or supplies for treating a virus if you or your loved ones catch one

Herbal Pills To Support Digestion

😋🌿💊  Don’t forget to stock up on simple Chinese herbal pills to get your digestion back in balance through all the end of year celebrations.

We have 2 options of our favorite pills: Curing Pills or Ease Digestion Pills. They’re both so helpful for any kind of digestive upset that every acupuncturist and herbalist has one of these ready in their medicine cabinet, first aid kit, purse, and in the car. I always have extra around the holidays–yes I’m the one that brings the digestion pills and sets them out with the drinks, at the end of the buffet, or even just on the dining table–and my friends and family have learned to do the same.

👉🔗 You can read all the details that we shared in our last newsletter here.

Immune Support

Stock up now before we are on vacation so you can be prepared with herbs and supplements in case you or those around you get sick.

“Christina, I just have to tell you that your magic herbs are the real deal!  I started to get sick, and remembered I had squirreled away herbs to take if and when that ever started to happen.  I rarely get sick, so it had been awhile.  So I went to the box, got them out, took them as recommended and WOW, the next day I was no longer ill!  I have no idea what’s in those but they really worked for me.  Thanks for the recommendation that I should always have them available –  and for knowing about them.  You are the best!”
Check out our updated recommendations we’ve been sharing for the past 2+ years called “The Golden Window For Treating Viruses” and let us know if you want help creating a plan that will work for you:

Here’s to having fun being healthy as we celebrate through the start of the new year!
Christina and Team Thrive
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The Holidays Are Coming–How Do You Plan To Support Yourself?


Holiday Eating & Drinking Support

As we enter the end of the year holidays and vacation time it’s good to set ourselves up for success for all the abundance headed our way–gratitude, gifting, celebrations, and especially abundant eating and drinking.  Here at Thrive we think one of the benefits of being healthy is that you can consciously choose to indulge here and there, and still come back to balance easily.  If you are working on a specific health challenge or goal, now is not the time to indulge.  But if you’re feeling pretty good, moderation of all things, including moderation sometimes, is healthy.

Folks that are overly rigid about what they eat don’t get all the benefits because stress undoes a lot of the benefits of healthy eating.  And folks that eat whatever they want, but then beat themselves up also have stress degrading their body.  So it’s good to be real about where you are at, make conscious decisions for health and pleasure, and then make sure you have support so you can come back to balance easily.

If you are going to consciously indulge in that rich holiday meal, treat, cocktail, desert–or all four–how do you plan to support your body?  Here’s 5 tips that will support you through celebratory eating:

  1. 💧 Stay well hydrated.  Aim to drink between 80 ounces to 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water a day.  And make sure you get some electrolytes or natural salts in there so all the water doesn’t just wash through you.
  2. 🍽️ Don’t starve yourself in anticipation of big meals.   That will make it harder to make any good decisions and cause your blood sugar to spike.  Make sure to eat some fat and protein in the meals leading up a to a big meal to help stabilize blood sugar.
  3. 🫖 Fresh ginger tea is supportive to digestion before and after rich meals.  Cut a few slices of fresh ginger and boil it in water for 5 minutes.  The fibers from the ginger are really good for your digestive system so that’s why it’s worth it to use fresh ginger.
  4. 💪🏽 Keep moving.  Plan some exercise to start the day and you’ll not only feel like you’re starting the day healthy, you’ll also most likely make better choices throughout the day.  Exercise is funny that way.  The more we exercise, the more we tend to make healthy choices.  Invite friends and family to go for a walk after a meal together.  You may be met with some resistance at first, but I’ve never heard anyone say “I wish I didn’t take that walk after dinner.”
  5. 🌿💊 Stock up on simple Chinese herbal pills to get your digestion back in balance.  We have 2 options of our favorite pills to support digestion: Curing Pills or Ease Digestion Pills.  They’re both so helpful for any kind of digestive upset that every acupuncturist and herbalist has one of these ready in their medicine cabinet, first aid kit, purse, and in the car.  I always have extra around the holidays–yes I’m the one that brings the digestion pills and sets them out with the drinks, at the end of the buffet, or even just on the dining table–and my friends and family have learned to do the same.

Option 1: Curing PillsWhat are Curing Pills?  They’re a Chinese medicine herbal pill that’s good for all kinds of digestive imbalances that are common during the holidays including: upset stomach, indigestion, overeating, hangover, bloating, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, and even food poisoning (hopefully that’s not happening during the holidays).

How can they be good for so many things?  Unlike western medications that are specific for certain kinds of digestive imbalances, Curing Pills don’t move your digestion in a specific direction, instead they regulate your digestion back to harmony.  That is why their other name is Healthy Peaceful Pills.

Here’s how we recommend taking Curing Pills:

  • Prevention (My eyes were a bit bigger than my stomach): 1 Packet after a meal.
  • Upset Stomach (As soon as I can tell something I ate or drank did not agree with me or I realize I really overdid it):  1 Packet now, 1 More Packet every hour for the next 3 hours if things aren’t feeling good yet.
  • General Digestive Imbalance (My digestion is moving slower or faster than normal and I just realized it’s been happening for a few days): 1 Packet 3 Times/Day for a day or two.

Warning: Curing Pills are not for you if you have true Celiac disease because they contain an herb that is a relative of wheat and you should aim to avoid all contact with anything wheat related.

Reassurance: Curing Pills are well tolerated by people who are normally sensitive to wheat because the herb is grown in China and it’s fermented before it’s made into the tea that is freeze dried into a pill.  Many wheat sensitive people in the US have no problem when they eat wheat grown from other places around the world.  And fermentation changes the building blocks of wheat proteins and carbohydrates which makes wheat tolerable for most people, even for some people who have Celiac disease.  I still recommend people with Celiac disease avoid it because it’s better to be safe than sorry.  But I’ve never met someone who is simply sensitive to wheat that has found that Curing Pills don’t agree with them.

Option 2:  Ease Digestion PillsWhat are Ease Digestion Pills?  They are modified Curing Pills that are gluten free.  Even though I’ve never seen anyone who is only sensitive to wheat have a bad reaction to traditional Curing Pills, we know a lot of people are careful about what they consume and we want to have this option for you.

The other difference is the size of the pills.  Ease Digestion comes as a bottle of medium/large pills that you take as 2 pills at once.  Curing Pills come in packets of a bunch of tiny round pills that you take at once (the idea being that if you have digestive upset you might not want to take a medium/large pill).  So everywhere above that it says the dosage is 1 packet of Curing Pills you instead take 2 pills of Ease Digestion.

Stock Up Now

We have Curing Pills and Ease Digestion Pills in stock in small and large sizes.  They’re so good for any kind of digestive complaint that they’re great to have on hand any time of year, and especially around the holidays, for you or your family and friends to bring you back to digestive harmony.  Christina likes to bring them to share and sets them out with the holiday spread.  You might be surprised who’s interested in herbs to support their digestion.

Just tell us you want some and ask us any questions at your next appointment.  Or swing on by to pick some up.  If you’re coming by without an appointment, it’s best to call or email ahead of time with your ETA to check that we won’t be at lunch or out running an errand.


What We’re Treating In The Clinic–Fall Allergies, Recovery From Colds & Flus, Boosting Immune System

This fall so many patients have reported a flare up of allergies recently–asthma, post nasal drip, cough, clogged ears, foggy head…  I think it’s the cool and damp late summer and fall–remember how muggy it was so much of late summer?  It’s been great for our nervous system that Sonoma County isn’t super dry and hasn’t been windy, but I think it caused things to bloom oddly and the extra moisture caused more mold and mildew.  So many patients are saying things like “I don’t know why but I’m having a terrible asthma flare up!”  And they were relieved when I told them that a lot of people are experiencing that.  Acupuncture and herbs are great at treating allergy symptoms and changing the pattern of overreaction from your immune system so you can get back to balance.

And there’s 2 colds going around right now.  One of them is pretty mild, and another one feels like it’s done and then a strong cough and/or clogged ears come back to get ya.  Of course Covid is also going around and some people have lingering symptoms of all sorts after that.  While you are sick and contagious get in touch so you can get some herbs to take at home, and once you’ve turned the corner and are not contagious anymore, come on in for acupuncture and more herbs to clear out that phlegm and get your energy back. 

Then there are those extra smart patients that know they want extra support for their immune system as the seasons change, they have travel plans, or they start to feel stress or overwork wearing them down.  A little secret–acupuncture and herbs work best as preventative medicine!  

If you want support treating allergies, recovering from colds and flus, or want some preventative care:

  • Established patients can make an appointment at our online booking site or get in touch.
  • New patients need to call or email us to set up their first appointment because there is just too much information we need to share with you.

If you want to be ready with herbs and supplements on hand, check out our updated recommendations we’ve been sharing for the past 3+ years called the Golden Window For Treating Viruses–because if you treat viruses preventatively or as soon as you feel symptoms it’s surprisingly effective for preventing a virus from taking hold or reducing symptoms and duration.

👉🔗 You can find the link for the Golden Window For Treating Viruses Handout here:  The handout includes a link to our online pharmacy for the things you can’t get in our clinic.  Take a look and let us know if you want help creating a plan that will work for you.

Holiday Schedule

  • Thanksgiving:  We’ll be here the week of Thanksgiving through Wednesday, November 22 until 5:00, then we’re taking some time off Thursday and Friday, November 23 & 24.
  • End of the Year:  We’ll be here in December through Friday, December 23, then we’re taking the last week of December and a few days in January off to rest, reflect, and recharge.  We have appointments in the new year starting Thursday, January 4.

📆 Get on our schedule ahead of time before or after those dates, because those times get busy.  And people often need extra support around the holidays–hello stress, overwork, digestion, and sleep imbalances.  You can book through our online scheduler or get in touch.

🌿 Make sure to stock up on herbs ahead of time so you have everything you need.  Herbs have been extra popular lately so it will help us out if you aim to stock up early.

Here’s to setting ourselves up for success and abundance!
Christina and Team Thrive

Posted in acupuncture, Chinese herbs and supplements, Digestive issues, Immune Boosting / Immunity | Comments Off on The Holidays Are Coming–How Do You Plan To Support Yourself?

Notice of Price Increase Effective June 1, 2023

We are grateful and honored to share the journey of health and healing with you.  And can you believe it’s been 5 years since Thrive raised its prices?Because the cost of everything has increased, we need to raise our prices in order to continue to provide you the best care possible.

Starting June 1, 2023:

Our Time of Service (non-insurance) rates are:

  • Initial Visit: $160
  • Follow Up Treatments: $105 Per Treatment


  • Prepayment Plans:
    • $525 for 6 Treatments (Pay for 5 and get one free)
    • $945 for 11 Treatments (Pay for 9 and get 2 free)

Out of Network insurance

  • Copays will increase by $5. 

Current prices will remain in effect until May 31 and packages never expire.  If you want to buy a package before June 1 to save some money, simply let us know next time you are in or reach out by email or phone and we’ll be glad to help you.

Thank you for being the best patients around!

Upcoming Schedule Changes

  •  May 22-26, Mon-Fri:  Christina will be on her rescheduled mountain biking vacation.

Take a look now to see if you want an appointment before or after those dates, because those times get busy.  You can book through our online scheduler or get in touch.

Make sure to stock up on herbs so you have everything you need.

What We’re Treating in the Clinic–Allergies
It feels like there is a collective smile in Sonoma County that we finally have sun and warmth.  But along with that comes pollen that’s not getting washed away by rain.  And along with pollen comes spring allergies.  Yup they are later this year but there are here full force.

Acupuncture is great at relieving allergy symptoms like itchy eyes and ears, stuffy nose, scratchy throat, lost voice, post nasal drip, sinus pressure, and brain fog that come from allergies.  So many patients have told us over the past week that they felt better when they got up off the table and they could think better.

In addition to acupuncture we have great herbs that keep the relief lasting in between the acupuncture treatments.  Some patients get great results with the various pills we recommend for preventing and treating viruses.  Others do better on a custom formula.

And we also recommend Xlear nasal spray.  We carry it in the clinic but you can pick it up just about anywhere they have a pharmacy section.  Two sprays in the nostrils, wait a bit, then blow your nose.  It cleans things out, soothes the membranes, and helps make your nose a better first line of defense against pollens.

If you want help with your allergies and you are an existing patient, you can book through our online scheduler or get in touch.  If you’re a new patient please reach out by phone or email.  We have so much info to gather and share to make sure your first appointment is enjoyable.


It is possible to create more of what you want in the world effortlessly with grace and inspiration, even now.  By effortless I don’t mean lack of action.  I mean less of the niggling noise in our head that makes things feel difficult and instead more clarity, peace of mind, and joy.  Along with these good feelings comes more health and vibrancy in our physical body, because your state of mind is the epicenter of your wellbeing.

The secret to doing more of want you want with less efforting has to do with understanding your thinking and your connection to your innate wellbeing.  If you want to explore how to understand your thinking in a way which allows for more ease and resiliency please come join us on Tuesdays. 

Weekly Virtual Zoom Conversation
When: Tuesdays 4pm – 5pm PST
Hosts: Julie Gleeson, Founder of The Art of Living Inc, and
Christina Ness-Hawks, LAc from Thrive Acupuncture and Wellness Corp.
For more info and the link to register: click this link to our event page 
Please reach out with any questions.

We’re so confident in how helpful this conversation is that the first month is FREE, so you can come check it out without any pressure.

Immune Support

“I just have to tell you that your magic herbs are the real deal!  I started to get sick, and remembered I had squirreled away herbs to take if and when that ever started to happen.  I rarely get sick, so it had been awhile.  So I went to the box, got them out, took them as recommended and WOW, the next day I was no longer ill!  I have no idea what’s in those but they really worked for me.  Thanks for the recommendation that I should always have them available –  and for knowing about them.  You are the best!”

Check out our updated recommendations we’ve been sharing for the past 2+ years called “The Golden Window For Treating Viruses” and let us know if you want help creating a plan that will work for you:

Stock up now so you can be prepared with herbs and supplements in case you or those around you get sick.  As the quote above shows, if you treat viruses preventatively or as soon as you feel symptoms, it’s surprisingly effective for preventing a virus from taking hold or reducing symptoms and duration.

“Whatever herbal magic you gave me it F-ing worked and turned my Covid around super quickly.  I’m barely coughing and congested right now.  And tested negative after it being dark purple+ two days ago.”

To Health And Abundance For Us All!
Christina and Team Thrive

Posted in acupuncture, Allergies, Chinese herbs and supplements, Facebook Private Group, Immune Boosting / Immunity, Insurance, Seasonal Health, Sydney Banks, Three Principles, Treatment Plans and Packages | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Notice of Price Increase Effective June 1, 2023

Mask Update April 2023

We’re giving everyone a heads up!  On April 3, 2023, California’s mask requirement in healthcare settings will end.

Here’s how that will work at Thrive:1. Staff will continue to wear well fitting masks that are medical grade surgical masks or higher.
2. Patients can choose if they want to wear a mask or not, during part or all of their appointment.

  • We think many patients will be happy to wear a mask to their appointment and have the acupuncturist take it off before they leave the room to allow the patient to rest and relax.

3. If you are not feeling well and could be contagious, DO NOT COME to the office.

  • We’ll ask you to confirm that you don’t have any viruses, colds, or flus when you check in as a reminder.
  • Let us know as soon as you realize you’re not feeling well or think you might be contagious and we’ll be happy to help you reschedule or figure out what to do if you are unsure.
  • We have great herbs to treat you at home so you can get better fast.
  • Normally you’re still contagious with a virus, cold, or flu for at least 5 days from the start of symptoms and while you are still not feeling well. But we know that sometimes symptoms linger after you are no longer contagious.  If you are unsure if you are contagious or if you should be coming in, please reach out.
  • You will not be charged a missed appointment fee for cancelling due to being sick and possibly contagious, but please be in touch ASAP so we can accommodate people on our waitlist.

We will continue all of our other virus safety measures which include:

  • HEPA air purifiers in each treatment room and throughout the office.
  • We sanitize the treatment rooms and let them air out after each patient.
  • Hand sanitizer is available throughout the office and there is a bathroom in the lobby for hand washing.
  • We sanitize frequently touched surfaces throughout the day.
  • We have an herb pick up station and keep your credit card on file for touch-less payment to make it easy to check out.
  • Our office doors and windows open directly to the outdoors in the front and rear of the office and we regularly air out the office.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out and we’ll be happy to discuss them with you.
We know that many patients coming to Thrive are choosing to be very careful because their health, or the health of those around them, feels like it is on the edge.  Some patients are immune compromised while others have simply had so many health challenges lately that they just don’t want any more.

Our mission is to help people achieve optimal health and because of our clean spacious office and private treatment rooms, we are confident that we can provide a safe environment for you.

For those that have not been here before we’d like to reassure you that that our check in and out area is spacious, most of the time patients check in quickly and head straight to their private room, and that many patients with serious health concerns often tell us they feel very safe in our office and they are so happy they can truly relax.  Please reach out with any questions so you can decide the best path forward for you.

Upcoming Schedule Changes

  • Christina will be out the week of April 3 – 7 for vacation.  Jules will be available for making appointments or other admin needs.
  • ???? Christina will be out April 27 – May 3, (Thurs-Wed) for a training.  She’s excited to get nerdy with some of her favorite herbal medicine mentors!  The office will be fully closed at this time.

Take a look now to see if you want an appointment before or after those dates, because those times get busy.  You can book through our online scheduler or get in touch.

Make sure to stock up on herbs so you have everything you need.

What We’re Treating in the Clinic–Headaches
Did you know that the transition to spring is headache season?  And we think it’s been more pronounced with the weather that’s been all over the place.  Plus the rains have delayed dramatic allergy symptoms, so we haven’t been treating as much of that as we normally do at this time.

You don’t have to wait until you have a headache to make an appointment because acupuncture is great at treating headaches preventativelyAnd if you do already have a headache, acupuncture is also very effective at treating that too.  Most patients notice a reduction in their headache as soon as the first few points are placed.  Christina’s history with sinus infections has her intimately familiar with how disrupting headaches are, and how much freedom comes from getting them under control.

We also have great herbs for mixing up a custom formula to prevent headaches.  And patients tell us they love having an herbal formula on had to take when they get a headache so they can take less medications.  And over time many report they get a lot less headaches when they use herbs to treat them at the first sign.  We think of this as stopping the pendulum from swinging so far out of balance, which brings more stability, balance, and health over time.


It is possible to create more of what you want in the world effortlessly with grace and inspiration, even now.  By effortless I don’t mean lack of action.  I mean less of the niggling noise in our head that makes things feel difficult and more clarity, peace of mind, and joy.  Along with these good feelings comes more health and vibrancy in our physical body, because your state of mind is the epicenter of your wellbeing.

The secret to doing more of want you want with less efforting has to do with understanding your thinking and your connection to your innate wellbeing.  If you want to explore how to understand your thinking in a way which allows for more ease and resiliency please come join us on Tuesdays. 

Weekly Virtual Zoom Conversation
When: Tuesdays 4pm – 5pm PST
Hosts: Julie Gleeson, Founder of The Art of Living Inc, and
Christina Ness-Hawks, LAc from Thrive Acupuncture and Wellness Corp.
For more info and the link to register: click this link to our event page 
Please reach out with any questions.

We’re so confident in how helpful this conversation is that the first month is FREE, so you can come check it out without any pressure.

Immune Support

“I just have to tell you that your magic herbs are the real deal!  I started to get sick, and remembered I had squirreled away herbs to take if and when that ever started to happen.  I rarely get sick, so it had been awhile.  So I went to the box, got them out, took them as recommended and WOW, the next day I was no longer ill!  I have no idea what’s in those but they really worked for me.  Thanks for the recommendation that I should always have them available –  and for knowing about them.  You are the best!”

Check out our updated recommendations we’ve been sharing for the past 2+ years called “The Golden Window For Treating Viruses” and let us know if you want help creating a plan that will work for you:

Stock up now so you can be prepared with herbs and supplements in case you or those around you get sick.  As the quote above shows, if you treat viruses preventatively or as soon as you feel symptoms, it’s surprisingly effective for preventing a virus from taking hold or reducing symptoms and duration.

“Whatever herbal magic you gave me it F-ing worked and turned my Covid around super quickly.  I’m barely coughing and congested right now.  And tested negative after it being dark purple+ two days ago.”

To more heath and the enjoyment that comes with that!
Christina and Team Thrive

Posted in acupuncture, Covid19 screening, Immune Boosting / Immunity, Migraine relief, Seasonal Health, Three Principles | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Mask Update April 2023

New Lunar Year of the Rabbit

Happy Lunar New Year! Bring on the Peaceful and Intuitive Rabbit SpiritHow is 2023 going for you? Have you made time for rest and reflection or are you just trying to get through? Do you already wish you had a do-over for your New Year’s fresh start and resolutions? If so, you’re in luck. Not only is every moment a chance for a new beginning, January 22 was the start of the Lunar New Year. Because it starts with the second new moon after Winter Solstice, it begins on a different date every year between January 21 and February 20.

And the Lunar New Year kicks off the 15 day celebration of the new year called Spring Festival. You can think of Spring Festival as Christmas, New Years, and Spring Cleaning all rolled into one. It’s a time of celebration, visiting family and friends, gift giving, and preparing for the next year with personal reflection and letting go.

It’s not part of the Lunar New Year traditions to make resolutions, but Chinese astrology encourages reflection. Chinese astrology has a lot of symbolism and is used to explore your inner nature and unconscious instincts. It’s often used to help reflect on how to navigate your inner life and relationships.

Year of the Water RabbitThe Chinese zodiac has 12 years in its cycle, each one represented by an animal, which interacts with the cycle of the 5 elements. 2023 is the Year of the Water Rabbit, the fourth animal in the cycle

Astrologers say that people born in the Year of the Rabbit are peaceful, gentle, patient, and lucky. Rabbits are known for their ability to create harmonious relationships. They rely on their own senses and quick instincts as well as their extensive underground community to find safety and inner peace. They are great strategists that consider all of their options and know when to run fast or take time to rest and play. Rabbits are homebodies that love comfort, beauty, and communal harmony. They manage to prioritize taking care of themselves and ensuring their security while also being generous and tender with each other.

In Chinese astrology, the Water Rabbit energy is said to bring natural vitality, easy luck, and quiet wisdom. Last year the Tiger energy pounced and bounded forward, but sometimes in unpredictable directions with delays. Now the gentle Rabbit energy will help us realign with our goals, consider all the possible outcomes, and make a plan that will create more inner and outer harmony for us all. In other words it’s an auspicious time to put a plan into action and be nimble enough to peacefully navigate around any obstacles that we encounter. Water Rabbit energy is a paradox of cautiously avoiding risk while listening to intuition, following your vision, and connecting with the mysteries of life that brings quick forward momentum and transformation.

Commit to Creating the Experience You Want to HaveThose that celebrate Lunar New Year and the Spring Festival do not traditionally make New Year’s Resolutions, however they do celebrate the transition from winter to spring. It is a good time to reflect and plant the “new idea seeds” that will sprout in spring. You can start by asking yourself: How do I make time and space to bring out my best sense of reflection? What is the new direction and experience I want to have?

If you’re having trouble, maybe it’s time to take a lesson from the Rabbit. If you’re feeling unsure about the next steps, hunker down in your den and make some time to reflect and take care of yourself so you can restore your lively energy. While you consider your options and all the possible outcomes, remember to let go of old belief systems that no longer serve the highest good of yourself nor bring harmony to all beings. Remember if you start to feel trapped or out of balance, those are your rabbit instincts telling you hop in another direction quickly.

Ask yourself what dreams will bring ease, beauty and comfort to me and my community? Is it time to take action or should I think things through some more? Where can I be more cautious and where do I want to be more trusting? How can I bring tenderness and kindness with me while I foster my drive for forward momentum? How can I align myself with my keen senses and intuition to remain anchored with wisdom and my true nature?

Get Some SupportIf your intentions and resolutions include improving your health and well-being in 2023, get in touch to schedule an acupuncture appointment for immune boosting, pain relief, stress reduction, or finally tackling that health issue that’s holding you back. Existing patients can book online: New patients should call since there is so much information we need to gather and share to make your first appointment enjoyable.

If you want to explore how to accomplish more of what you want in 2023, while aligning with your true nature, wisdom, and intuition please join us for our Growing More Peaceful Even Now zoom calls (info below).

What We’re Treating in the ClinicEar Infections. There’s a head cold going around that causes clogged ears that come on quick and linger. Unfortunately for some people it ends up causing pain, ear infections, and even ruptured ear drums. If you’ve ever had a clogged ear for an extended period, you know that it’s painful, distracting, disorienting, and even stressful because it effects your hearing, balance, and overall sense of wellbeing and clarity.

The good news is that Christina found Chinese Medicine because of a long history of ear and sinus infections, and we have lots of solutions to treat clogged ears and prevent or help clear up ear infections. Acupuncture is great for treating the ears, but when you are sick and contagious at the start you need to stay home to avoid spreading the cold. So the extra good news is that there are great herbs that we carry in the clinic so you can treat yourself at home. We have herbs that you drink to treat it internally, ear drops, and even topicals to massage into the area around the ears to open the Eustachian tubes.  Then when you are past the contagious stage you can come in for acupuncture, but you are already ahead of the curve in helping to clear up those ears.

If you get this head cold, you will know it as soon as your ears start to clog up–give us a ring and we can connect you with some home treatments.  If you are prone to ear issues or colds it’s a good idea to stock up on some of the supplies so you can start treating your ears as soon as they start to feel out of balance. Ask us at your next appointment or get in touch if you want to know the best treatments to have on hand for you.  And if you get an ear infection and your Dr prescribes antibiotics, the herbal remedies we have are supportive and can help the antibiotics do their work faster.

Ongoing Event

It is possible to create more of want you want in the world effortlessly with grace and harmony, even now.  By effortless I don’t mean lack of action, I mean less of the niggling noise in our head that makes things feel difficult.  Growing more peaceful does not mean you will sit on the couch eating bon bons all the time.  I don’t know anyone that’s in balance that wants to sit on the couch 24/7; well rested humans want to contribute to the world.  The secret to doing more of want you want with less efforting has to do with understanding your thinking and your connection to your innate wellbeing.  If you want to explore how to understand your thinking in a way which allows for more ease, resiliency, and enjoyment please come join us on Tuesdays. 

Weekly Virtual Zoom Conversation
When: Tuesdays 4pm – 5pm PST
Hosts: Julie Gleeson, Founder of The Art of Living Inc, and
Christina Ness-Hawks, LAc from Thrive Acupuncture and Wellness Corp.
For more info and the link to register: click this link to our event page 
Please reach out with any questions.

We’re so confident in how helpful this conversation is that the first month is FREE, so you can come check it out without any pressure.

Immune Support

“I just have to tell you that your magic herbs are the real deal!  I started to get sick, and remembered I had squirreled away herbs to take if and when that ever started to happen.  I rarely get sick, so it had been awhile.  So I went to the box, got them out, took them as recommended and WOW, the next day I was no longer ill!  I have no idea what’s in those but they really worked for me.  Thanks for the recommendation that I should always have them available –  and for knowing about them.  You are the best!”

Stock up now so you can be prepared with herbs and supplements in case you or those around you get sick.

Check out our updated recommendations we’ve been sharing for the past 2+ years called “The Golden Window For Treating Viruses” and let us know if you want help creating a plan that will work for you:

As the quote above shows, if you treat viruses preventatively or as soon as you feel symptoms, it’s surprisingly effective for preventing a virus from taking hold or reducing symptoms and duration.

“Whatever herbal magic you gave me it F-ing worked and turned my Covid around super quickly.  I’m barely coughing and congested right now.  And tested negative after it being dark purple+ two days ago.

Gong Xi Fa Cai! (Happy New Year)!
Christina and Team Thrive

Posted in acupuncture, Chinese herbs and supplements, Facebook Private Group, Immune Boosting / Immunity, Respiratory Health, Seasonal Health | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on New Lunar Year of the Rabbit

Holiday Healthy Gifts

Give The Gift of Health to Loved OnesDon’t stress about gift giving!  Gifts are supposed to be about appreciation, celebration, and fun after all.  We’re here through Friday, December 23 so you can pick up a gift of health for your loved ones plus give yourself the gift of sanity, all while supporting a small business❣️

You might ask: “A gift of health, how is that fun?!” 

We think it’s fun being healthy, having less pain, and feeling more calm so we can be present and enjoy our lives.  And it’s fun sharing the lesser known natural remedies that actually work!

Here’s 7 healthy gifts that are favorites among patients and staff:

1.  Gift Certificates:  Give the gift of stress relief and a nap.  Or pain relief, digestion support, hormone balancing, immune support… ok you get the picture.  We’re a holistic clinic that treats the whole body so we treat all kinds of acute and chronic health issues.  A lot of times people don’t know acupuncture is an option.  We’d love to show them how it can help them.  Let us know what you want to cover with your gift certificate, and we’ll help you choose an amount.

2.  ???? Evil Bone Water Liniment:  A super-premium liniment that’s good to put on anything that is painful and needs to heal: injuries, joint pain, muscle pain, broken bones, sprains, cuts, insect bites.  We got some fun 2 oz bottles in different colors that make great gifts.  They made them just for the end of the year holidays so they are only available while supplies last, but you can refill them from the regular 4 oz bottles–because we know you’re gonna love it.  PS – there are no bones in the formula.  The Chinese name translates as Rectify Evil Bones Water (aka Heal Your Broken Bones), but the acupuncturist/herbalist making it in Florida has a good sense of humor.

3. Rapid Pain Relief Balm: High quality herbs and oils in natural skin-nourishing butters to quickly treat muscle pain, headaches, injuries, bruises, post-workout pain, menstrual pain, and more.  We love that this balm doesn’t have any menthol or mint, which is unusual for a fast-acting topical treatment for pain relief.  Plus the owner has sensitive skin, making it so clean you could practically eat it.  We have regular and sample sized jars for sale.

4. ???? Herbal Medicinal Foot Soaks: Wild-crafted and small-farm cultivated herbs make up these effective and relaxing foot soaks.  They help with inflammatory pain, promote circulation, support the immune system & metabolism, and are super calming to the nervous system.  It may be surprising to hear that medicinal foot soaks treat the whole body because there are thousands of capillaries in the feet which serve as highways to the rest of the body.

5. ???? Emily’s Skin Soothers: Natural and effective skin care powered by herbs to treat dry skin, chapped and cracked hands and feet, burns, eczema, psoriasis, and any other irritated, red, rough or flaking skin.  The original formula was created by an acupuncturist/herbalist for his baby who had eczema, so the whole line is free from anything synthetic and great for sensitive skin.  This is the balm that got us through the extreme amounts of hand washing at the start of the pandemic and still keeps our hands smooth.  Let us know what skin condition you want to treat and we can help you choose the best formula.

6. B. Immune Throat Spray: Soothe and treat the throat with this tasty spray that’s antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, and immunomodulatory.  I know we’re getting tired of thinking about our immune systems, but this is the most fun way to support it.  Great for people who travel, give talks, sing, or otherwise find their throat dry and sensitive, as well as those who want to prevent and treat colds, flus, and sore throats.

7. Do You Want To Know A Secret Book:  A little book of resilience and clarity, whatever your age.  Everyone who picks up this little children’s book with a big message gets a smile on their face.  Some even get tears of joy.  People don’t tend to spend much time in the waiting room here, but when they do and they pick up this book, they often buy a copy right away.  Plus, we have it shipped here directly from the author in England, so it’s a truly unique gift.

You can pick any of these up at your next appointment.  If you don’t have a scheduled appointment, please reach out by phone or email so we can answer any questions, get it ready for you, and make sure we’re not at lunch or otherwise busy in our small business when you swing by.

P.S. Don’t forget to pick up some herbal pills to support you and your loved one’s digestion through the end of the year festivities. 

 You can read all the details that we shared last month in our newsletter here.


End of Year and Schedule ChangesIf you can’t find an appointment in our Online Booking System, call, email, or put yourself on the waitlist and we’ll get you scheduled.

The online system only shows openings so far in advance and we can book some appointments that are not visible, so when in doubt, give us a call and we’ll get you scheduled. 

There’s several changes to the schedule going on and coming up.  Here’s all the details.Busy At The End Of The Year:
We’re sad that Jasmin Jones, LAc is no longer working for Thrive.  She’s an amazing acupuncturist, patients loved her, and we wish her well on her next adventure.

We’ve opened up some more appointments with Christina Ness-Hawks, LAc to make sure you can continue your care.  Christina and Jasmin were supporting many patients together in their treatment plans, so Christina is able to pick up where Jasmin left off to help you to keep making progress towards your goals.

Plus a lot of patients recently booked appointments to get support BEFORE we go on vacation (smart way to keep healthy and sane for the holidays), so our schedule is busy – which is just the way we like it – helping lots of people.  If you can’t find an appointment using the online booking system, please reach out and we’ll get you scheduled.

End of Year Vacation:
We’ll be here through Friday, December 23, then we’re taking the last week of December and few days in January off to rest, reflect, and recharge.  We have appointments in the new year starting Thursday, January 5.

If you want to stock up on herbs to carry you through, get in touch ASAP to make sure we have everything you need.

2023 Schedule Ready For You:
We’ve updated the schedule for the new year in our online booking system with continued increased appointments with Christina and some other adjustments.

Immune Support

“Christina, I just have to tell you that your magic herbs are the real deal!  I started to get sick, and remembered I had squirreled away herbs to take if and when that ever started to happen.  I rarely get sick, so it had been awhile.  So I went to the box, got them out, took them as recommended and WOW, the next day I was no longer ill!  I have no idea what’s in those but they really worked for me.  Thanks for the recommendation that I should always have them available –  and for knowing about them.  You are the best!”

Stock up now BEFORE we are on vacation so you can be prepared with herbs and supplements in case you or those around you get sick.

Check out our updated recommendations we’ve been sharing for the past 2+ years called “The Golden Window For Treating Viruses” and let us know if you want help creating a plan that will work for you:

As the quote above shows, if you treat viruses preventatively or as soon as you feel symptoms, it’s surprisingly effective for preventing a virus from taking hold or reducing symptoms and duration.

“Whatever herbal magic you gave me, Christina, it F-ing worked and turned my Covid around super quickly.  I’m barely coughing and congested right now.  And tested negative after it being dark purple+ two days ago.”

Here’s to having fun being healthy as we celebrate through the start of the new year!
Christina and Team Thrive

Posted in acupuncture, Digestive issues, Immune Boosting / Immunity, Office Happenings, Painful Injuries, Recommended Products, Respiratory Health, Seasonal Health, Skin Rashes | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Holiday Healthy Gifts

A Shift Towards Wellbeing At The End Of This Year

Pre-New Years Resolutions?We’ve noticed more people are taking action to support their wellbeing recently!

For a while now, people have been talking about getting back on track from the pandemic disruptions to our schedules, eating, exercise, health and self care appointments, not to mention social lives. But all the talking about good ideas wasn’t resulting in very much action for many people.  However, it feels like there’s been a shift recently, and we’ve noticed a lot more people are making real, positive changes.

In some ways we are surprised at the timing.  As the end of year holidays and vacations ramp up, a lot of people say “Eff it!  I’m going to enjoy myself now and pull it together in the new year.”  The problem with that is that the average American doesn’t loose the weight that they gain at the holidays and it builds up every year.  Seeing so many people making healthy changes as we enter the end of the year feels like a true shift.

In other ways this is not a surprise.  Smart people have predicted that there will be a lot of reinvention after the pandemic, so it makes sense that people are open to doing things differently.  We can’t just go back to how it was before because we see things differently now.  So let’s reinvent the way we approach the end of the year by taking more action to support our health and start the new year feeling good!

Things we’ve seen people doing more of recently:

  • pulling their exercise equipment out and making it easy to exercise,
  • drinking less alcohol, taking a break from sugar,
  • eating more green vegetables,
  • setting up regular appointments for acupuncture, massage, & chiropractic care,
  • finally making those doctor’s appointments for check ups or about that nagging thing they’ve been meaning to get looked at,
  • taking supplements regularly,
  • expanding their social circles,
  • making space for some quiet reflective time… 

One interesting thing we’ve noticed is that many people are saying that they just knew it was time or they just started doing it.  When it’s time, it’s time and it takes less effort.   Not that you’re not doing things, it’s that you’re in action with less of the niggling thoughts about wether or not you’re gonna do it.

If you know it’s time to make some changes for your wellbeing and want some support, come on in for acupuncture care for mood (stress reduction, clarity, motivation), aches & pains, or whatever else is holding you back from feeling your best. It can take some time to break old habits of thinking, plus it is so helpful to have a support team.  And even healthy changes sometimes feel tiring or make us sore so we can use some help getting back into balance–hello to my arm muscles that forgot what 3 minute planks are!

  • Established patients can make an appointment at our online booking site. You’re also always welcome to call or email us to make an appointment.
  • New patients need to call or email us to set up their first appointment because there is just too much information we need to share with you.

Here’s to reinventing end of year traditions and habits in ways that better serve us, our friends, and families!

Holiday Eating SupportAs we enter the end of the year holidays and vacation times it’s good to set ourselves up for success to deal with all the abundance headed our way–gratitude, gifting, celebrations, and especially abundant eating.  Here at Thrive we think one of the benefits of being healthy is that you can consciously choose to indulge here and there and still come back to balance easily.  If you are working on a specific health challenge or goal, now is not the time to indulge.  But if you’re feeling pretty good, moderation of all things, including moderation sometimes, is healthy.

The folks that are constantly overly rigid about what they are eating don’t get the benefits of all their hard work because the stress undoes a lot of the benefits of the healthy eating.  And the folks that eat whatever they want, but then beat themselves up also have stress degrading their body.  So it’s good to be real about where you are at, make conscious decisions for health and pleasure, and then make sure you have support so you can come back to balance easily.

If you are going to consciously indulge in that rich holiday meal, treat, cocktail–or all three–how do you plan to support your body?  Here’s 5 tips that will support you through the holiday eating:

  1. Staying well hydrated is key.  Aim to drink between 80 ounces to 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water a day.  And make sure you get some electrolytes or natural salts in there so all the water doesn’t just rush through you.
  2. ???? Don’t starve yourself in anticipation of big meals.   That will make it harder to make any good decisions and cause your blood sugar to spike.  Make sure to eat some fat and protein in the meals leading up a to a big meal to help stabilize blood sugar.
  3. ???? Fresh ginger tea is supportive to digestion before and after rich meals.  Cut a few slices of fresh ginger and boil it in water for 5 minutes.  The fibers from the ginger are really good for your digestive system so that’s why it’s worth it to use fresh ginger.
  4. Keep moving.  Plan some exercise to start the day and you’ll not only feel like you’re starting the day healthy, you’ll also most likely make better choices throughout the day.  Exercise is funny that way.  The more we exercise, the more we tend to make healthy choices.  Invite friends and family to go for a walk after a meal together.  You may be met with some resistance, but I’ve never heard anyone say “I wish I didn’t take that walk after dinner.”
  5. Stock up on simple Chinese herbal pills to get your digestion back in balance.   New this year we have two options of our favorite pills to support digestion: Curing Pills or Ease Digestion Pills.  They’re both so helpful for any kind of digestive upset that every acupuncturist and herbalist has one of these ready in their medicine cabinet, first aid kit, purse, and in the car.  I always have extra around the holidays and my friends and family have learned to do the same.

Option 1: Curing PillsWhat are Curing Pills?  They’re a Chinese medicine herbal pill that’s good for all kinds of digestive imbalances that are common during the holidays including: upset stomach, indigestion, overeating, hangover, bloating, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, and even food poisoning (hopefully that’s not happening during the holidays).

How can they be good for so many things?  Unlike western medications that are specific for certain kinds of digestive imbalances, Curing Pills don’t move your digestion in a specific direction, instead they regulate your digestion back to harmony.  That is why their other name is Healthy Peaceful Pills.

Here’s how we recommend taking Curing Pills:

  • Prevention (My eyes were a bit bigger than my stomach): 1 Packet after a meal.
  • Upset Stomach (As soon as I can tell something I ate or drank did not agree with me or I realize I really overdid it):  1 Packet now, 1 More Packet every hour for the next 3 hours if things aren’t feeling good yet.
  • General Digestive Imbalance (My digestion is moving slower or faster than normal and I just realized it’s been happening for a few days): 1 Packet 3 Times/Day for a day or two.

Warning: Curing Pills are not for you if you have true Celiac disease because they contain an herb that is a relative of wheat and you should aim to avoid all contact with anything wheat related.

Reassurance: Curing Pills are well tolerated by people who are normally sensitive to wheat because the herb is grown in China and it’s fermented before it’s made into the tea that is freeze dried into a pill.  Many wheat sensitive people in the US have no problem when they eat wheat grown from other places around the world.  And fermentation changes the building blocks of wheat proteins and carbohydrates which makes wheat tolerable for most people, even for some people who have Celiac disease.  I still recommend people with Celiac disease avoid it because it’s better to be safe than sorry.  But I’ve never met someone who is simply sensitive to wheat that has found that Curing Pills don’t agree with them.

Option 2:  Ease Digestion PillsWhat are Ease Digestion Pills?  They are modified Curing Pills that are gluten free.  Even though I’ve never seen anyone who is only sensitive to wheat have a bad reaction to traditional Curing Pills, we know a lot of people are careful about what they consume and we wanted to have this cleaner option for you so we started stocking them this year.

The other difference is the size of the pills.  Ease Digestion comes as a bottle of medium/large pills that you take as 2 pills at once.  Curing Pills come in packets of a bunch of tiny round pills that you take at once (the idea being that if you have digestive upset you might not want to take a medium/large pill).  So everywhere above that it says the dosage is 1 packet of Curing Pills you instead take 2 pills of Ease Digestion.

Stock Up Now

We have Curing Pills and Ease Digestion Pills in stock in small and large sizes.  They’re so good for any kind of digestive complaint that they’re great to have on hand any time of year, and especially around the holidays for you or your family and friends to bring you back to digestive harmony.  Christina likes to bring them to share and sets them out with the holiday spread.  You might be surprised who’s interested in herbs to support their digestion.

Just tell us you want some and ask us any questions at your next appointment.  Or swing on by to pick some up.  If you’re coming by without an appointment, it’s best to call or email ahead of time with your ETA to check that we won’t be at lunch or out running an errand.


Holiday ScheduleThanksgiving:  We’ll be here the week of Thanksgiving through Wednesday, November 23 until 1:30pm, then we’re taking some time off Thursday and Friday, November 24 & 25.

End of the Year:  We’ll be here in December through Friday, December 23, then we’re taking the last week of December off.  We have appointments in the new year starting Tuesday, January 3.

Fun Facts About Jasmin Jones, LAcThe number one question we get about Jasmin since she joined our practice in June is how much experience she has.  That’s a normal question and we welcome all your questions since it is your body and you get to choose who is on your healthcare team.

Jasmin is new to Sonoma County but she’s not new to acupuncture.  She has been practicing acupuncture since 2008.  She is a licensed acupuncturist in 6 states: Alaska, Hawaii, New Mexico, South Carolina, Washington State, and California.  That’s no small accomplishment to complete licensing exams and procedures in all those states.  She spent most of her time in private practice in Alaska, and now we’re excited she’s realized her dream of moving to Sonoma County.

Here’s what one of her patients had to say about her:

“My first experience with an Acupuncturist was with Jasmin. I was having severe pain and lack of mobility in my neck and shoulder. Jasmin was very caring and had a gentle touch. I bought a packet of treatments and noticed a difference in my pain that day. Today I am pain free and it feels wonderful. I highly recommend Jasmin to everyone.” ~B Beasley

And if you haven’t checked it out already, there’s more info in her bio on our website.

Immune Support“I don’t know if it was the herbs, but I started to feel better after I took them.”  
–so many people

Not surprisingly we’re seeing more people catching viruses with the transition back to school and into autumn.  And we’re hearing great feedback that the herbs and supplements we recommend are helping.

We agree! If you start the herbs and supplements after you’ve been sick for a day or two and start to feel better, it could just be timing.  And if you’re just one person there isn’t much data for you to know if it was the herbs or the timing.  But if you’re us and you hear this over and over, you feel confident you have enough data to know that the herbs are helping.

If you want to be prepared with herbs and supplements on hand, check out the updated recommendations we’ve been sharing for the past 2+ years called The Golden Window For Treating VirusesIf you treat viruses preventatively, or as soon as you feel symptoms, it’s surprisingly effective at preventing a virus from taking hold which reduces symptoms and duration.

You can find the link for The Golden Window For Treating Viruses handout here:  Take a look and let us know if you want help creating a plan that will work for you. 

Here’s to putting our health first during this time of reinvention!
Christina and Team Thrive

Posted in acupuncture, Diet, Digestive issues, Immune Boosting / Immunity, Recommended Products, Seasonal Health | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on A Shift Towards Wellbeing At The End Of This Year