Breath As A Micro-Mindfulness Reset

I’m back with a little experiment to help you reset your nervous system during the busyness of the end of year celebrations and transitions.  Don’t worry, it’s a micro-mindfullness experiment because I know you don’t have time for another thing to do, but I also know how important it is to reset your nervous system, especially now.

Plus what we’re treating in the clinic–curious minds want to know.

And some reminders that we’re taking a break in 10 days, so now is the time to make an appointment for now and when we’re back in January, stock up on herbs, and grab a healthy gift for a loved one.

Breath As A Micro-Mindfulness Reset
AKA–A Nervous System Reset For People Who Don’t Have Time To Reset Their Nervous System

In the last newsletter I invited you to carve out some time among all the busyness to quiet your mind in your favorite way and make room for recharging and aligning with the rhythm of the season.  Many of you told me that your favorite way to quiet your mind is to come get an acupuncture treatment.  And while I agree that acupuncture is the fastest way I know to dramatically regulate the nervous system, I also know that we all benefit from being able to regulate ourselves.  And I know that so many people say they don’t have time for another thing right now, no matter how good it is for them.  So I invite you to experiment with breath as a micro-mindfullness reset.

The Experiment:

Try out recalibrating your nervous system by connecting to breath any time you could use a reset.  All you have to do is notice your breath, and consciously breath, knowing that breath is dynamic and breath is restful.  You’re already breathing so you don’t need to stop what you’re doing, take a time out, or do something else–just notice your breath and breath a little deeper into your abdomen.  You can do it while making breakfast, while driving, while in a meeting, while on the phone, while parenting, while in conflict, as you get out of the car and get home for the night, you get the picture.  It’s available to you 100% of the time and you can return to it again and again.  

Just the simple act of breathing a little deeper resets your nervous system from fight or flight to rest and digest.  And from that place we create a little more space in our bodies and our minds to listen for wisdom and hear what to do next.  That’s right, we’re still productive from a quiet mind and calm nerves, we just don’t waste time and energy on the things that aren’t really up for us.  We’ll know it’s time to rest, or be moved into action, and enjoy being present with either.

As if the power of breath to regulate your nervous system wasn’t good enough, our connection to breath as a dynamic reset ripples out.  Those around you will will feel your nerves calming down, and their nervous system will mirror yours.  It’s like we’re metronomes in the music shop and our vibrations harmonize until we’re on the same tempo.  If you’re skeptical that the simple act of deepening your breath will effect others, try it around your pets.

Try it out for the next week:

Set a little reminder to help you, as you move through your busy life, to notice your breath without judgement, breath a little deeper into your lower abdomen, and return to it again and again.
  Put a post it on your computer, change your phone background, put your watch on the other wrist.  Even after just a week you will have trained your nervous system to access the rest and digest calming mode on a regular basis.  Start by doing it for yourself and see what you notice from this micro-mindfullness reset in motion.  Then see if you notice it rippling out to those around you and setting a smoother tempo.  From the place of dynamic rest, the field of possibilities opens up for all of us.

I can’t wait to hear how your experiment with breath as a micro-mindfulness reset goes!

What We’re Treating in the Clinic

Brain fog.  There’s so many different reasons people can’t think clearly, feel like they’re living in a daze, don’t motivate, or just don’t feel like themselves.  We can help clear up brain fog whether it’s from post-viral syndrome, hormonal imbalance, headaches, sleep imbalance, sinus congestion, a head injury, the distraction of pain, forgetfulness, a busy mind, or stress and overwhelm.

It’s really common that when patients get up from their acupuncture nap they mention they feel clear headed, grounded, present, or more like themselves again.  And people have been saying that even more often recently.  Acupuncture is great at regulating the nervous system, quieting the mind, and restoring function to the brain.  Yes it’s hard to access the brain because the skull and the blood brain barrier are protecting it, but acupuncture is a truly effective, non-invasive way to treat the brain.  Studies have shown that as soon as points are activated, the brain is activated and regulated.  I call it the upward spiral.  Patients feel more grounded, calm, and clear, then from that place it’s easier to do the things they know they need to do to feel better.

Chinese Herbal Medicine is also great for clearing up brain fog.  I’ve treated patients with just herbs and they’ve said their memory, word recall, and clarity improved.   

If you want support treating brain fog, no matter the cause, and even if you don’t know why it’s happening:

  • Established patientscan make an appointment at our online booking siteor get in touch.
  • New patientsneed to call or email us to set up their first appointment because there is just too much information we need to share with you.


End of Year Schedule

We Can’t believe that we only have 10 days before we take our end of the year break!

🌟🎄🥂 We’ll be here thought Friday, Dec 22 then we’re taking the last week of December and few days in January off to rest, reflect, and recharge.  We have appointments in the new year starting Thursday, January 4.

Book Your Appointments📆 We get busy before and after the break, so get yourself on the schedule now with our Online Booking System.  If you can’t find an appointment online–call, email, or put yourself on the waitlist and we’ll get you scheduled.  The online system only shows openings at least 24 hours in advance and we can book some secret appointments that are not visible, so when in doubt, give us a call and we’ll get you scheduled. 

Stock Up on Herbs🌿 Stock up on herbs now to carry you through the new year.  Let’s make a plan to make sure you have:

  1. your custom formula
  2. digestion support
  3. immunity support and/or supplies for treating a virus if you or your loved ones catch one

Herbal Pills To Support Digestion😋🌿💊  Don’t forget to stock up on simple Chinese herbal pills to get your digestion back in balance through all the end of year celebrations.

We have 2 options of our favorites: Curing Pills or Ease Digestion Pills. They’re both so helpful for any kind of digestive upset that every acupuncturist and herbalist has one of these ready in their medicine cabinet, first aid kit, purse, and in the car. I always have extra around the holidays–yes I’m the one that brings the digestion pills and sets them out with the drinks, at the end of the buffet, or even just on the dining table–and my friends and family have learned to do the same.

👉🔗 You can read all the details that we shared in our newsletter here.

Immune Support

Stock up now so you can be prepared with herbs and supplements in case you or those around you get sick.
“Christina, I just have to tell you that your magic herbs are the real deal!  I started to get sick, and remembered I had squirreled away herbs to take if and when that ever started to happen.  I rarely get sick, so it had been awhile.  So I went to the box, got them out, took them as recommended and WOW, the next day I was no longer ill!  I have no idea what’s in those but they really worked for me.  Thanks for the recommendation that I should always have them available –  and for knowing about them.  You are the best!”


Check out our updated recommendations we’ve been sharing for the past 2+ years called “The Golden Window For Treating Viruses” and let us know if you want help creating a plan that will work for you:

Still Have Some Shopping On Your To Do List?💝☯️ Check out our healthy holiday gift guide and see if there is anything you want to pick up for your loved ones (or yourself) and give yourself the gift of sanity while supporting a small business.

Here’s to enjoying breath and letting our calm vibes reset the tempo for the end of the year transition,
Christina and Team Thrive

P.S. Please share this with anyone you think could benefit from this experiment and info.


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