Summer Aches and Pains

Late Summer & Back To School From The Acupuncturist’s PerspectiveI think all the kids are now back to school as of this week and in Chinese Medicine a fifth season called Late Summer started in the third week in August.  I don’t have kids myself, but the transition of back to school effects our whole community.  As an acupuncturist, when back to school happens and Late Summer starts the transition to the fall, I think of 2 things: germs and schedules. 

Back to School Germs and How to Survive Them with Ease!I’m not a germaphobe but what I see from the acupuncturist’s lens is that when kids go back to school they pass germs around and bring it home to the household, and then households share those germs.  Patients get sick more often which is a bummer under normal circumstances, but now getting sick has more repercussions as you manage possible Covid.

So from the acupuncturist’s perspective back-to-school time sounds like a great time for all of us to get a plan for boosting your immune system, treating any possible virus symptoms as soon as they pop up, and having some things on hand in case you do get sick.  I don’t have kids, but I’ve always taken extra care at the start of the school year to not get sick and prepare myself for the fall weather changes.  Yup even before Covid, coming to work sick was not an option as an acupuncturist, so I’m well practiced at avoiding getting sick.

I just updated the recommendations we’ve been sharing for the past 2+ years called the Golden Window For Treating Viruses–because if you treat viruses preventatively or as soon as you feel symptoms it’s surprisingly effective for preventing a virus from taking hold or reducing symptoms and duration.  These recommendations are good for all viruses because they are supporting your body in fighting the virus and your body needs the same kind of support no matter what kind of respiratory virus it is fighting.  There are things that are tailored for treating Covid-19 because we know what direction that virus is headed in most people, but they aren’t bad to take if you have a different respiratory virus.

If you want to update your plan, or simply get a plan to make it through the back to school germs with ease, you can find the link for the Golden Window For Treating Viruses handout here:

Over the past several years lots of patients have been telling us how effective these remedies are.  They tell us that they started to feel off so they started their plan and they were surprised how quickly they started feeling better.  Or they can’t prove it, but they didn’t get sick when their family did and they know that what they were doing helped them.  Other patients have told us how good it feels to have something to do if they get sick and how much that reduced their stress.  We’ve also had patients tell us that after they took the herbs they felt better than before they got sick so they know the herbs cleared out other lingering illnesses.

Curious about what I updated in the Golden Window Handout?  I’ve dialed in the recommendations as we’ve gotten more information about what is helpful (I’m in touch with colleagues all over the world and we are sharing what is working) and as the virus and it’s most common symptoms have changed.   I’ve clarified and simplified the dosing, made it more clear when to take certain things–prevention or treating lingering symptoms for example, and added a few things.

Here’s what’s new:

  • Propolis Throat Spray: for stoping viruses from replicating and treating sore throat.  The current variants often start out with a strong sore throat and propolis is antimicrobial (including antiviral), anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, anti-oxidative, and has anti-cancer properties.  Studies have shown it to be effective in preventing and treating Covid-19.  Combined with the Xlear nasal spray, you get a really good physical barrier to viruses taking hold.
  • CoQ10: for fatigue.  CoQ10 supports cellular energy, reduces inflammation, has a positive effect on the circulatory system and lowers blood pressure.  So many people experience fatigue with Covid-19, even if their symptoms are mild, and lots of patients notice changes in their circulatory system so CoQ10 is good to have on hand.
  • L-Arginine & Glutathione: for respiratory symptoms.  L-Arginine is an amino acid that is used to reduce asthma, increase blood oxygen saturation, and support cardiovascular and immune system health. Glutathione is an anti-oxidant that supports cellular function throughout the body, especially the liver, lungs, brain, heart, and eyes.  If you are prone to respiratory imbalances, or you just want to be ready to support your respiratory system, they are good to have on hand.

Something that’s not visible on the handout is that we have updated our Chinese herbal recommendations for when people get sick.  The current variants most often start with a bad sore throat, then horrible sinus headache and annoying post nasal drip, and for some people is goes to their lungs.   So we’ve got herbs dialed in to treat all that.  We also have herbs for a variety of post-Covid lingering symptoms.  Those vary a lot so we have lots of options.

You can find the link for the Golden Window For Treating Viruses handout here:  Take a look and let us know if you want help creating a plan that will work for you. 

Back to School Schedules Get Us Back on Track!Back to school effects all our schedules: traffic, busy times at the grocery store, etc.  Travel and activities wind down for those of us without kids in Late Summer and we get back to more of a routine as well.  And now that the kids have a routine the superhero parents can actually make some time for themselves.  Yup, summer vacation is fun and its own kind of self-care, but lots of people are relieved to have a predictable schedule.  It’s common to reconnect with taking care of ourselves: get back on track with healthy eating, return to exercising regularly, and make more appointments for ourselves for relaxation, beauty, and health.

Are you ready to make some more time for you?  Come on in for a tune up for your immune system, stress reduction, pain relief, digestion support, hormone balancing, or a general wellness tune up.  Take a look at our online booking system (or reach out by phone or email) and find a time for you.  Because when we take care of ourselves and fill up with wellbeing and peace of mind then we can get back to being the superhero for ourselves and those around us.

Fun Facts About Jasmin Jones, LAc???? Jasmin joined our practice 2 months ago and some of you are still getting to know her.  Now that I’ve told you about some of her accomplishments and where she moved here from, I thought I would share some other fun facts.  Jasmin loves animals of all kinds and has a rambunctious cat at home.  You might have gathered that she loves to travel since she was an acupuncturist in Nepal and on a cruise ship in Europe, but you probably didn’t know that she loves learning about new cultures through their cuisine and art.  

Here’s what one of her patients had to say about her:

“I was lucky enough to find Jasmin when I really needed help. Through weekly treatments I have been able to let go of anxiety and fear. Symptoms from menopause have lessened. Shoulder pain and other small aches have disappeared. My overall health and happiness has increased. Jasmin has a gentle healing hand that is helping me become healthy. ~B Manifern

And if you haven’t checked it out already, there’s more info in her bio on our website.

Thrive Will Be Open When Christina Is On VacationChristina will be out on vacation from Aug 31-Sept 11.  The great news is that now that we’ve expanded and have 2 acupuncturists on the team, Thrive will still be here for you. 

Jasmin will be treating patients.  If you haven’t seen Jasmin yet, let me reassure you that we’ve already been sharing patients and they are enjoying it.  Patients can get a treatment when it fits best in their schedule, they can get a different set of eyes on their health, and they can experience a different person doing acupuncture, all without having to start all over rehashing their whole health history and paying for a new patient appointment at a new clinic.  Jasmin is new to us, but she is not new to acupuncture.  She has been practicing acupuncture since 2008, just a year after Christina started practicing. 

And if you are a patient of Christina’s and need an herb refill, Jules and Jasmin can take care of that too.

If you need anything get in touch and you will be in good hands.

Here’s to enjoying the late summer transition!
Christina and Team Thrive

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